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Tank Craft Malting System

BCM500/1000 is an automatic malt production system, which allows the steeping, germination, kilning and roasting to be performed in the same vessel without intermediate process of material transfer and equipment cleaning. Batch handling capacity is 500kg and 1000kg barley.

The process management and the malting recipe (including process time, temperature programmed etc.) are determined by the operator of the plant. The system will run according to the recipe.
No. Item Parameter
1 Model BCM 500/1000
2 Batch size 500/1000 Kg barley
4 Max. green malt weight 750/1500 Kg
5 Turning wheat unloading reducer power 3.0 KW
6 Fan motor power 4.0 KW
7 Fan air volume approx.4240m3/h
8 Fan wind pressure approx.1510Pa
9 Burner-heating capacity 105 KW max./22 kW min.
10 Power of burner 90W
11 Total weight of system equipment 4000kg / 4860Kg